Sunday, May 21, 2006

Where to go?

Time to make some progress.

That, however, does not mean putting one's actions into perspective and going back to the way things are with a lesson learned.

Progression and retrogression are polar opposites, as is told in their prefixes. So how can someone grow if all they do is undo all the stupid choices that they've made? Would any of us really experience anything? I'd rather fail fifty times then succeed once because of the experience involved.

So we deal with it and move on and make some more mistakes, which in turn leads to more mistakes, until eventually we get something right. And hopefully that something just happens to be very important, or else life pretty much shafts you.

As for the next choice, well... just stay tuned to find out.


Blogger Mr. Kyle said...

You are covering all your bases.

But in reality this changes nothing.

I am sorry you had to do this to yourself but it is your problem.

Your choice.

Not mine.

Not ours.


11:53 AM  

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