Tuesday, May 16, 2006

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is regression.

This is the first joker, the 53rd post made in this blog.

I don't intend to stop after this class is over, this is a really good way to stay in practice as far as writing goes. It's also a nice vent, a creative outlet; I can imagine myself enjoying a nice cigarette while I relax and make a post in a few months, so if you're ever in the neighborhood, drop in.

It sucks to be forgotten, doesn't it?


She never said anything to me for years, not a word.
She sat next to me in class one day. She needed notes, apparently, so I let her borrow them and smiled.
The next time I saw her, she acknowledged my existance in the halls. It wasn't much, a simple smile and a quick gesture, but it was something.
After a while we would start to strike up conversation. Apparently she thought that I was funny, and it wasn't too long before we could have a nice conversation.
Then we graduated, and I didn't see her for years. It's a damn shame too, because we really had something going.

That's what I regret in high school. All the small talk started three years too late. I didn't have any real priorities until now, and when I extrapolate the effect of that into the future, it looks grim.

At the risk of sounding incredibly childish and self-conscious, I'll admit that I am incredibly socially awkward. Today at the National Honor Society ceremony, I left shortly afterwards because there was simply nobody there to talk with. It's over, there's no more small talk, no more introductions. That's sad, it really is. I hope that awkwardness goes away with time and when the reunions come around that we can be reacquainted as total strangers. Until then, I'll entertain the notion of making new friends.


In closing, I wasted my time in high school. I never went to a party, I never had a girlfriend or did so much as go on a real date, I never had sex or anything remotely close to it, I didn't try new things; I shut a lot of people out and put up a little bubble, and that sucks.

And if I don't do anything in college then I'll probably just blow my brains out. Seriously, what good is a degree or a high IQ or a wealth of knowledge if you go home to an empty house to an address book with five numbers in it? At that point you're a naive, pathetic shell or husk of a human being and death is a grace.


Blogger Madeline C. said...

You know you'll always be welcome to party with us Dylan. And don't worry about trying to impress us. We love you the way you are. With and without the philosophies.

8:53 PM  
Blogger Ashley said...

dylan!!! no blowing your brains out, you are WAY too smart for that shit, and you'll go to college hopefully and have a great life. Partying and drinking and sex isn't all that it's cracked up to be. You're really not missing much...I don't do that shit either. Anyways you're my buddy and I'll keep in touch after you graduate. You have my # whenever you need a friendly conversation you know who to call! <3

9:09 PM  

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