Friday, May 05, 2006

In the spirit of brevity.

In spite of myself and the writing style that academic influence has created, I shall embrace the supposed godsend of brevity and discard my lexicon in favor of a more colloquial manner of writing.

This week kind of sucked. Some people are just so blind to the oblivious truth that they aren't wanted. Is there anything worse than having someone just hover there when you're in a conversation? It's like they just invite themselves in, and that's really rude and awkward. And then when you tell them to leave, they get all pissy. It's not even like you say it in a mean way, you don't command them to go, you simply suggest "Would you mind leaving us be? This is a private conversation." Because every group of friends has that one person in it, and you know them well. Nobody wants them there, but you let them stay in the group because you feel really bad for them or they're somebody else's friend or whatever the scenario may be.

Oh, and if you don't know who that is, then it's you.


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