Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Not so much the sweetness.

What do you want out of life? Some may find it admirable to be "honest" and to say "I'll take it one step at a time", and others may find it impressive or foolish if one has his or her life more or less planned out.

Either way, they're tools. It's so rare to find someone who is otherwise unconcerned with social standing and the opinions of lesser life forms. Of course, am I saying this to impress you, or because I feel that I am above you all? Then again, if I am truly above you all, what do I need to concern myself with you for? Then again, would I propose this argument if I was simply entertaining a notion, or am I trying to wake you all from that pathetic slumber and security that is everyday life?

Got an opinion yet? Good.

What I want out of life is subject to change, that should go without saying. Currently, I could do without some things, or people for that matter, and it may be beneficial for me to eliminate a number of habits or people from my sphere of consciousness. What could I do without? Self-consciousness, what little guilt remains, shame, susceptability and fear. Who could I do without? None of you, be certain of that, and that's all that concerns you.

So, what I want out of life is my happiness. I take no vicarious pleasure out of the successes of others, and I don't wish to build for another, letting the benefits of my efforts be reaped by the supposed leader of my sheep. The master of the herd is the one who commands the sheep, yet concerns himself with their safety. Not their happiness, but their safety.

At present I am faced with a dilemma, and quite the dilemma it is. It is not to be or not to be, but whether to be with or not to be with. To be a social monstrosity or to be a hermit? If I want to be comfortable, do I do it alone or do I depend on others to mold to my needs? If I despise my fellow human beings and seek to destroy my comrades, do I do so by denying them my presence, which I believe is quite the thing to be missed, or is it better achieved through clever social manipulation and clever tactical movement into a position of power, from which I destroy the fortification of chumship from the inside? Duality is quite the notion to consider, isn't it?

Every coin has two faces. The trouble is, you can only see one at a time.

The master of any craft spreads his craft so that he may find an equal, and that, in time, usually spanning thousands of generations, there may present a challenge.

But when is the master the student? No prodigy is born to create. Prodigies manipulate what they touch, they take what they are given and make the most out of it. Lemons to lemonade.

All the while, you stare at the tails, while the head mocks your existence.

And yet, it's not concerned with us.


Blogger Rene said...

Well whatev, I'm gonna be a rockstar...

< /stupidity >

10:05 PM  

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