Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Shotgun Shine.

Isn't it ironic, the inverse relationship between stress and success? Some people stress out because they aren't successful, which leads to the further decline of their productivity. And yet, they can't seem to relieve their stress until they have succeeded in something. Too bad for them. Shape up or ship out.

As long as we're on the subject, when did people decide that it was cool to try and be a deviant? How long has it been braggable to visit a shrink because you feel depressed? I find it funny, in that infuriating sense, the way that some people whore themselves out for attention by mocking a serious problem.

It's not like that comment was aimed at anyone; certainly not.


The four of them sat on the pier, watching the waves crash, the moonlight catching its mark on the iridescent water below. The warm summer air mixed with the cool ocean breeze and the chill that radiated off of stray drops of water to create an ever-changing environment. One minute they were too hot, so they would strip off their outermost layer of clothes, only to replace them at a moments notice. To an outsider, the entire operation would look ridiculous, but the four of them laughed at their discomfort and quickly shuffled clothes on and off. A desperate outlooker would also think that Rick was the luckiest kid in town, hanging out with three of the most gorgeous girls that any kid at the school could name, ripping their clothes off and consuming more alcohol than they knew what to do with.

Granted, that last action gets you some attention after a while. At first they were cautious, keeping their liquor in a cooler several feet away and sneaking a drink whenever there wasn't a watchful eye, but that cautiousness faded as the alcohol began to take effect. In fact, it didn't take long before it got really out of hand. Soon enough, they were offering drinks to any passers by and, acoustically, what was once a low hum had turned into a drunken orchestra.

They were young enough to make that mistake, but they were old enough to know that flashing lights and sirens means trouble. Angela, Rachel and Debbie all kept their cool; Rick was otherwise incapable of keeping his underwear clean. Slipping off the dock and trying to escape, Rick hugged the rocks on the side and clinged for dear life. Eventually, the sirens faded and he could barely make out the lights, so he scaled the rocks, keeping his eyes peeled for an authority figure.

Of course, I'm sure you can figure out what happens when a drunken teenage boy climbs a twenty-foot rock face above the ocean, all the while distracted, right?



Blogger Mr. Kyle said...


A approach that has long been debated. If you really want to find out what it is like-

Nah, I still need to complete my Jiminies Journal.

Some people just wanna finish the game I guess- but then you miss out on all that cool extra stuff.

In the end, your choice.

5:51 AM  

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