Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A puppet that pulls its own strings is still a puppet.

There's two kinds of people in this world: those who are worth a damn and those who aren't. It's that simple. There is no grey area, there are no exceptions, there is simply a cutoff. It isn't unheard of to cross this line, but doing so requires effort and a bit of sympathy.

From the moment we met, I've had you classified. Some of you have changed over the years, others are close to the edge on either side, but one cannot deny that you are human.

But what does it mean to be human? Are we bound by some moral obligation to assist our fellow man, to put aside vendetta and agendas in favor of the greater good, or is that just another lubricant applied to society?

A man carrying a large amount of items falls on the street, scattering his goods. This was caused by no malicious act, and the goods are not going to be used for the betterment of society or donated to charity. This is a simple case of a man falling down and dropping what he is carrying. What happens? Do we help him? What if it was a woman, does that change the scenario? What if it was an attractive woman?

Yeah, that changes it.

But the fact remains, there are boxes and receipts sprawled along the pavement. They need to be picked up by someone, but what drives you to pick it up? Is there a drive? You're not going to help them? You monster! They make mistakes like the rest of us! You are so selfish! You might as well be envious, and Envy is a vice.

But wait, look at him. He tried to carry too many things, he was too proud to make two trips. Pride! All of those things were for him? Greed! He does not need them? Gluttony! And why does he look so annoyed that they fell? Anger! He's looking for help, can he not do it himself? Of course he can, but he doesn't want to take the time to do it. Sloth!

Isn't it funny how more Atheists can quote the Bible than so-called religious folk? Critics of the Bible are more well-versed in its contents than those who support it.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Christianity strongly encourages proselytism, but "barbaric" religions like Satanism and Buddhism reject it. Is it right or wrong? But you are a Christian, right? So more than likely, your answer will say that it is right.

Of course, I could just be messing with you and telling you what to think in the hope that you will rebel.

And then there's that thought that I'm mentioning this so you will question my intention.

Whatever, read on once you've made your decision.

Do you believe in free will? Do you believe that an opinion is sacred, and that each individual should do what is best for themselves? Is my choice not as valid as yours? "Am I my brother's keeper?" Are you my arbiter, my judge, my God? BLASPHEMY!

Proselytism is the attempt to convert another in the religious sense, to convince them that a certain theology is worth their while and is inherently the truth, usually in a very intrusive and generally impolite manner.

Free will.

I choose to be "damned" if that's what "blessed" entails.

Do you know what the Soviets did to those who opposed them, who published works supporting capitalism? They threw them in insane asylums.

That's ingenious, is it not? What better way to discredit your enemies than to deem them insane and make the masses believe that?

Like those vile Pagans, and those damned Atheists, and those foolish Agnosts, and those enraged and irrational Muslims, and those crazy Buddhists, and those sinners who do not follow our God, the true God.

The handle for a puppet looks oddly like a cross, does it not?


Blogger Rene said...

And a boy who hates religion may still go to a religious high school.

Get over it, bitch ;P

8:04 PM  

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