Thursday, April 27, 2006

Somewhere in between the Two Cities.

This is a generalization.

It's easy to care for the well-being of your fellow human beings, or at least to take that side in an argument. There are many strong agreements to the notion that "life is precious", and society has molded such that the insane are the ones who do not value life and the sane are those that place it on the highest of pedestals.

It takes more courage to face the music, and to suggest that death is a necessary thing, and that there must always be the weak and the strong, the rich and the poor, the haves and the have-nots; as opposed to the belief that we are all equal. Society generally takes one side of this argument, and morality has it's deathgrip on your strings. You are all brainwashed, in one way or another. The only difference is that the very society that has you thinking like tools tells you that this brainwashing does not exist. So not only are you oblivious to the fact, you actually believe that it is under your own free will and that you are in control.

It's the same way with politics. The politician who suggests that we need to impose a tax on gas to reduce our dependancy is not elected, because the public is too short-sighted to realize the noose that they themselves are tying. Society was created by man and thus, it is fallible, much like the religion that suggests the fallibility of man. What has become accepted is in place because someone else said that it was accptable. Likewise with things that are considered inappropriate or obscene, it was based off of the moral code of others.

Do you feel bad breaking the law? Do you obey the speed limit because a jury of your peers created the traffic laws? The strongest weapon on the Earth is the human mind, as it is the creation of all that you take for granted. However, that weapon is what contains your weapons, indirectly of course. Those laws were created by the human mind, and the ignorant obediance of such policies limits your mental capacity.

And right now, I seem like a self-righteous bastard because I question the moral fabric of society. I'm not saying that laws do not have their purpose, only that the blind adherence to such policies is true lunacy.


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