Saturday, November 18, 2006

Let It Be.

It’s odd to look at something that is not entirely alike what you have left, but has remained more or less intact. The world turns, much like a clock, or completely opposite to one, but what if it was to turn in a way that we could not measure? If something should spin like a coin on a table, or even a coin falling off of a table, it spins in a way that we can understand because nothing else moves, and it gives us a vantage point. Leaving that familiar area spins everything, so when you see things in that area spin, you think nothing of it. However, once you return to what we can dub the “No Spin Zone”, it all hits you like a ton of bricks. What was once a polite gesture has now become an obligation, and no amount of effort can give you back that power, that ability to ignore and remove yourself from a situation, because you’re now out of there by choice and not by obligation. It’s an even trade, but choosing to return feels like a shot of reality, in showing that you have no power. It can turn Atlas himself into the weakest and frailest being on that planet, or below it, as it were, and can cause the seas themselves to flow inward and never outward. That fear of powerlessness does not consume so much as it destroys, as consumption gives a feeling that at least something is gaining from the losses that occur.
To that same point, when all is normal you see it as abnormal, because your perception of normal has changed. When you are put in an unfamiliar place and you can’t adapt, and there’s nobody to segue you in, it takes a genius of sorts to make his way. Caught in a world full of strangers, one can’t hope to understand ethics or proper behavior, or things less formal and more optional, such as casual behavior or what interesting conversation is.
And when that fades, then all blacks and whites lose their values, save those that are the strongest. The blackest black and the whitest white remains, but only those absolute absolutes are set in stone, all the rest are thrown into a bag and made to mix and mingle until they output some bastard shade of grey. And at that point, any and all lesser emotions and petty differences that you may have had lose all their value and become useless, instead clouding ones perception and taking up needless space. When those values are lost, then it’s as if the alphabet never existed, or the numerical system was simply done away with. A and Z no longer matter, but the words that make them up function, and three plus five still equals eight, but there is no way to adapt. Instead, those things set in stone, and let me tell you, there are very few, are all that you have left, and all the logic in the world couldn’t save you.
Once powerful voices lose their range and stick to flat or sharp, and it’s that note that they shall leave on listening ears, and those ears can’t tell the difference, because the flats and sharps all blend together into some strange harmony. This shameless and devastating symphony falls on deaf ears soon enough, as all sounds blend into one and evolution takes its course, doing away with those ears that can only hear one sound, and instead focus their energies towards the sense of sight. Of course, all of this started with sight, seeing so much difference and not finding a place in this small community or world that you’ve been placed into, and all that you can do is hope to escape, because if you lose your ears and try to leave, then those beautiful notes of music will be replaced with seeing the vibrations of airwaves, and you will have lost all progress that you made outside of that little bubble of life that once was your own.


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