Sunday, March 12, 2006

This is me telling you what to think.

I can't help but be amused whenever I think about the chat that took place during our last class together. Dr. Hillman told us all that we were being told what to think, and we all believed him. Is anyone else connecting the dots yet? Don't get me wrong, this isn't an act of insubordination, merely casual and comedic observation. We are being told to think for ourselves. And you know what the most tragic part of that is? We're doing it; we're thinking for ourselves at the request of another. In the infamous words of the internet: "lol".

Well, that's it. What more is there to say? Insert another one of those awkward silences here, right? Well that's what I'm worried about in the future. If you watch Everybody Loves Raymond or some other sitcom you'll see the parents chatting incessantly, as there's always some curveball that life's thrown. Then I look at my own life, and how it's different in that respect. When I come home, I don't exchange twenty words with my mother throughout the course of a night. Weekends might have a conversation in them, but most of the time is plagued by silence. Okay, I need to stop here, because I'm turning the blog into a damn shrink's office.

Is there anything more frustrating than a Catch-22? What's worse than being stuck inside of a cycle that you can't escape because of circumstance. In any other position, you would have the ability to leave as you please, but you're stuck there because of circumstance. And there's just too much to write about that feeling: the snowball effect that it produces, the intense emotion that it drives, the twisted situations that it can result in and the various scenarios that occur when catch-22s are there.

I'm stopping before I go off on a tangent and start talking too much. That never results in anything good.


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