Thursday, March 02, 2006

Write a fake, inappropriate article for me.

I was just watching Pulp Fiction, the scene were Mia and Vincent are in Jack Rabbit Slims for those of you who are familiar with the film, and I really started to analyze the film more closely. There's tons of wisdom hidden between the swears and the panic that the movie provides, if you know where to look. In this particular scene, Mia says one line that really made me think: "You know you've found someone special; when you can just shut the f*ck up and enjoy the silence."

It's true, it really is. We always feel so compelled to create conversation, to create the same situations over and over again, and I don't know why. What is it about silence that is so repulsive? Even after realizing this, silence is still awkward between people. I can drive in silence, but I always put on music. I could be sitting here right now typing this, but I insist on watching this part of Pulp Fiction, one that I must have seen at least thirty times. I can recite this speech verbatum at will, but I want to hear Christopher Walken deliver it. It's a part of out nature, I guess, but why? Is that cultural or natural? Horror movies are always silent because it creates a suspense. When bad things happen, you block out a lot of your peripheral hearing. Silence also makes all the smaller sounds seem that much bigger, meaning that the tree falling four miles away is more sudden, louder, more shocking.

But there are a few people who I can enjoy silence with. My cousin Aaron is one of those people. During a trip to my aunt's house, I checked out UMD and went to some of his classes. While we were eating, we just ate. We didn't make small talk, we didn't joke around, we just ate and sat in silence. It was really nice actually, and it's probably one of the best lunches I've ever had. Because that's hard to do, stay silent when in someone's presence. There's always that desire to strike up conversation about something or to just try and impress them and be funny. I think that silence should be observed more often, that it would be cool to just be with someone for fifteen minute and to not speak, but to appreciate things about them and about what you have.

Like that'll ever happen.


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