Monday, March 06, 2006

...With a blue moon in my eyes.

Why does writing bad things get you attention? A well-written, thought out letter is tossed aside too much, usually in favor of some mindless clutter of words on a page that could loosely be called an idea. While they will usually take the organized essay more seriously, the foolish letter leaves a larger impact. Obviously, there are exceptions, but for the most part, idiots rule society. Twice I have been indirectly involved with Audrey Laganis, and both times the claims placed forth were unintelligent and foolish.

I won't go into detail about the situations, because quite frankly it's boring and long and you really don't care. Both times, the controversy was riddled with ignorance and sheer stupidity. This further reinforces the thing that I believe above all others, that the Greeks were right for drowning their mentally disabled. Well, not exactly, because there are mentally handicapped people who live comfortable lives and can be attended for properly, but there are people who should simply be put out of their misery. It must hurt to be as stupid as some people out there, and they are the people who gain media attention. There should be a point in society where a person is deemed "To stupid to live" and should be killed. In public. Graphically.

There should also be tests for other important parts of life. For example, I think you should have to pass a general intelligence test in order to have sex, because you may very well be parenting a child. Who knows when a condom will break or a diaphragm will shift? I'm the direct result of faulty birth control; I am living proof that the 99.97% safety rating on condoms still leaves 0.03% for shit to hit the fan. Thus, I propose that sex should come with a test. You have three chances, and if you fail three times then you're shipped off. Not only that, I'm also just sick of watching kids with IQs lower than their shoe sizes getting more action than I do. That's infuriating, knowing that you're superior to someone and being forced onto a lower rung of society than them.

But I digress, if I can still use that phrase. Fools always get attention, simply put. Think about how many sources of media are used to focus on people who are considered borderline retarded? Cops, Judge Judy, Judge Joe Brown, World's Most (Adjective) (Noun), Jackass (which I love, to set the record straight), Beavis and Butthead, almost any sitcom you can think of, all of it appeals to the bottom rung of the food chain, because they make up entirely too much of the population.


Blogger Mr. Kyle said...

There is so much to comment on...
First: Bad Writing - sure it gets attention. America is full of idiots and jack asses who cannot understand more than one sentence of tolkien (or anything else considered good literature... o-m-g what have I started - killing it right now). Anyway, you get the picture. The reason bad writing stands out is because people want to hear something at thier level. You wouldn't hand a 2nd grader a Mamet essay would you? "There should be a point in society where a person is deemed "To stupid to live" and should be killed. In public. Graphically." <- YES. And on the subject of idiots getting more action: They are the ones who are/will be the "low income housing people". You've seen them. You understand. And the whole media and retard thing: If they put anyone on TV, they can either bring you up or shoot you down VERY easily. Which one do you think they choose the most? Anyway, this post should get you a lot of attention with the parts about sex. People tend to have thier ears cleaned when that subject comes around. (Oh, and "But I digress" is not a Dr.H original i believe, so you are safe ^^!)

6:07 PM  
Blogger Davethedoledi said...

"There should be a point in society where a person is deemed "To stupid to live" and should be killed. In public. Graphically."

There's one problem with that I have with that logic. With that rule, all the people that are "too stupid" would gang up and kill you because they think you're the stupid one. And that would suck.

11:43 AM  
Blogger Dylan said...

But the question is, Dave, who gives power to the ignorant? If a man must have an IQ of 130 or more to carry a gun, then can he be killed by a simpleton? Would they have the mindpower to improvise enough to defeat a firearm?

5:47 PM  

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