Sunday, March 05, 2006


I found myself watching the first season of The Sopranos today, and I actually considered organized crime. The main problem with this is that I'm not fully Italian, I'm most likely 7/8 Italian and 1/8 Irish, but with a name like "Dylan Murphy" that gets magnified. Maybe I could take up an alias, use my grandmother's maiden name, that could work. "Tony Colucci", "Vincent Colucci", "Timothy Colucci", anything that isn't Dylan, Ryan, Brian, Sean or Seamus.

But then again, it's crime. Crime is so glorified by the media, if you stop to look at it. All that the news talks about it murders and robberies, and then there are shows like CSI, Law and Order, The Sopranos and older shows like Miami Vice. Grand Theft Auto, 25 to Life, State of Emergency and Marc Ecko's Getting Up are just a few interactive crime video games. Pulp Fiction, Narc, Scarface, or anything with Al Pacino in general, The Godfather, Goodfellas, and even mild shit like Half Baked, it's all about crime. It's a dangerous lifestyle, and dangerous means exciting, and exciting means entertaining! Such a short-sighted society we live in, if I may say so myself. Hell, I'm not saying that I'm any better, I was considering changing my name and faking my own death to pursue a life in organized crime. I wasn't considering it for very long, but the thought was still there.

It looks to be a boring month ahead, that awkward transition between winter and spring. Personally, I can't wait until summer comes, and I'm sick of people saying that summer sucks and winter is all fun and sunshine and all that crap. It's cold out, and the roads get icy, and I almost hit a telephone pole at 40 miles per hour, and I need to warm up my car and waste gas. Screw winter, give me summer. Granted, it would be nice to have some extra time to go snowboarding or get another snow day or two, but I can't wait until I can pick up my racket and play pick-up tennis again. I'm also looking forward to chilling out on my roof at 9 PM, when the sun sets, and just reading or killing time.

I also find it ironic that I keep this blog for a creative writing class, but I haven't written any poetry or prose in it, only observations.


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