Friday, March 24, 2006


You will never see anything in this blog that will make you clap in glee. There will be no inside jokes that are required to get the full meaning of the post, if there are any at all.

Never shall you read about a day in the life of a generally boring teenager, nor shall you read about mundane drama or overinflated problems.

Your eyes shall never lay their gaze upon a quote from a conversation, whether it be face-to-face or instant messanger, there will be no quoted conversations.

This blog will protect you from the travesties that are trite essays and entries that are written because they are required.

May this entry serve as everlasting proof that writing is not to be trifled with, and that some hold the writer as a sacred being, much like a cow in Hinduism, but without a religious context.

Because there are lines that must be drawn, and there are rules that must be set. This is my solemn promise to you, and any cooperation is appreciated.

Help stop the plague that is bad writing. Create standards for your own works, and your growth with evolve at an exponential speed.


Blogger Mr. Kyle said...

"Pick your battles wisely"

-famous quote, who cares from whom

"I beg to differ..."

-someone who cares

2:56 PM  

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