Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hamster Wheel.

How far will we come as a species? It seems as if our golden age as a society has run out and we're is a vast downward spiral. Every day society seems like it's coming closer and closer to the ultimate realization that the clothes we put on and the money we fill our pockets with are all fake. If you're like me, that is born in the late 20th Century, then you know what I speak of.

Cash is printed out and loaned to banks at a low rate of interest, who in turn loan that money out to customers who spend it on houses and cars and life in general. And if the government loans ten million dollars to a bank at half a percent interest, there's $50,000 that is unaccounted for. It's debt.

Imagine that there was no tender in circulation and the government tried this maneuver, which it must have at some point. They loan ten million to a bank and ask for ten million plus fifty thousand. But that fifty thousand doesn't exist, it's all made up to keep society in a neat little rat race of a machine, struggling to escape an imaginary debt that can never be satiated.

It's a huge dead end that everyone must face. Everyone is convinced to run for that cheese at the end of the maze, to chase the carrot from inside the wheel. They're programmed to believe that their efforts will be rewarded and that the pie in the sky will taste sweet. But the faster they run, the quicker they fall into the mousetrap.

Fuck it all.


Blogger Mr. Kyle said...

It's not all about the money, that is unless you make it out to be. Maybe money is a way of making us get off our lazy asses to do something other than nothing? Then the question becomes: Do you enjoy your place in society? Money will always be a problem everywhere. Inescapable. At least it was since around 2000 BC... then you're talking ancient times. Anything before 3000 BC was trade for goods. That would flop in the modern world. We've become too dependent on others to even consider survival by means of bartering.

10:39 AM  

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