Wednesday, May 26, 2010


All of my friends are graduating, and I sit with people from '08.

Two friends have kids, one is getting married, others are still pairing up and splitting off with each coming day. Some are moving to California or the Cape for love, others are running from something at home.

Friends get careers, exotic jobs in far away places with impressive and alluring pay rates, and I sit in two failing businesses with rent to pay and three shifts a week. Jobs that aren't mentally stimulating, challenging, or allowing me to use my creativity at all.

I'm witnessing Classism take its root. In ten years the workers and the parents will be taking care of their personal lives, the busy bees will work their exotic jobs in locales that are impossible for a foreign tongue to pronounce, and there I'll be, sitting in with the young crowd.

I thought I'd grown up, I thought I'd be able to escape. But you win, Rhode Island, you win.